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MagPure Circulating DNA Mini Kit

IVD5432 MagPure Circulating DNA Mini Kit 200preps $398.00
IVD5432-TL-06A MagPure Circulating DNA Mini Precast Kit (300μl) 96 preps $265.00
IVD5432-TL-06B MagPure Circulating DNA Mini Precast Kit (600μl) 96 preps $332.00
IVD5432-TL-06C MagPure Circulating DNA Mini Precast Kit (900μl) 96 preps $398.00
IVD5432-F-96A MagPure Circulating DNA Mini Precast Kit (300μl) 96 preps $239.00
IVD5432-F-96B MagPure Circulating DNA Mini Precast Kit (600μl) 96 preps $299.00
IVD5432-F-96C MagPure Circulating DNA Mini Precast Kit (900μl) 96 preps $359.00


MagPure Circulating DNA Mini Kit is designed for purification of high quality circulating DNA (cfDNA) fromcell-free body fluids (such as plasma, serum). The purified DNA is suitable for direct use in downstream applications such as PCR, real-time PCR, biochip analysis and NGS.



Features Specifications
Main Functions Isolation circulating DNA from 0.2-0.6ml plasma, serum, body fluids
Applications qPCR, NGS, etc.
Purification technology Magnetic beads technology
Process method Manual or automatic
Sample type Serum, plasma
Sample amount 0.2-0.6ml
Elution volume ≥30μl
Time per run ≤50 minutes


This product is based on the purification method of high binding magnetic particles. The sample is lysed and digested under the action of lysate and protease. DNA is released into the lysate. After adding magnetic particles and binding solution, DNA will be adsorbed on the surface of magnetic particles, and impurities such as proteins will be removed without adsorption. The adsorbed particles were washed with washing solution to remove proteins and impurities, washed with ethanol to remove salts, and finally DNA was eluted by elution buffer.


  • Economy - less than 50% of the price of Qiagen and other imported products
  • Automatic - without labour

Kit Contents

Contents IVD5432
Purification Times 200
MagPure Particles G 14 ml
Carrier RNA 310 μg
Proteinase K
180 mg
Protease Dissolve Buffer
10 ml
Buffer MLK 250 ml
Buffer MAW1 250 ml
Buffer MW2* 2 x 50 ml
Elution Buffer 60 ml

Contents IVD5432-F-96A IVD5432-F-96B IVD5432-F-96C
Sample amount 200~350μl 400~700μl
Carrier RNA 110 μg 110 μg
Proteinase K 50 mg 100 mg
Protease Dissolve Buffer
5 ml
6 ml

Elution Buffer 15 ml 15 ml
Tip 1 1
Sample Plate A 500μl Buffer MLK 500μl Buffer MLK
Sample Plate B / 500μl Buffer MLK
Wash Plate 1 700μl Buffer MAW1 700μl Buffer MAW1
Wash Plate 2

25μl Buffer MPG2

700μl Buffer MW2

25μl Buffer MPG2

700μl Buffer MW2

Wash Plate 3 700μl Buffer MW2 700μl Buffer MW2
Elution Plate / /

Contents IVD5432-TL-06A IVD5432-TL-06B IVD5432-TL-06C
Sample amount 300~350μl 600~700μl 900~1050μL
Carrier RNA 310 μg 310 μg 310 μg
Proteinase K 50 mg 100 mg 150 mg
Protease Dissolve Buffer
6 ml
6 ml
10 ml
Elution Buffer 15 ml 15 ml 15 ml
DA-Tip 12 12 12
Row 1/7 600μl Buffer MLK 600μl Buffer MLK 600μl Buffer MLK
Row 2/8 / 600μl Buffer MLK 600μl Buffer MLK
Row 3/9 600μl Buffer MAW1 600μl Buffer MAW1 600μl Buffer MLK
Row 4/10

20μl Buffer MPG2

600μl Buffer MW2

20μl Buffer MPG2

600μl Buffer MW2

30μl Buffer MPG2

900μl Buffer MAW1

Row 5/11 600μl Buffer MW2 600μl Buffer MW2 900μl Buffer MW2
Row 6/12 / / /

Storage and Stability

Proteinase K, Carrier RNA and MagPure Particles G should be stored at 2–8°C upon arrival. However, short-term storage (up to 12 weeks) at room temperature (15–25°C) does not affect their performance. Theremaining kit components can be stored dry at room temperature (15–25°C) and are stable for at least18 months under these conditions.The entire kit can be stored at 2–8°C, but in this case buffers should beredissolved before use. Make sure that all buffers are at room temperature when used.

Experiment Data


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